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getFeeHistory โ€‹

Returns a collection of historical gas information.

Usage โ€‹

import { publicClient } from './client'

const feeHistory = await publicClient.getFeeHistory({ 
  blockCount: 4,
  rewardPercentiles: [25, 75]
import { createPublicClient, http } from 'viem'
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains'

export const publicClient = createPublicClient({
  chain: mainnet,
  transport: http()

Returns โ€‹


The fee history.

Parameters โ€‹

blockCount โ€‹

  • Type: number

Number of blocks in the requested range. Between 1 and 1024 blocks can be requested in a single query. Less than requested may be returned if not all blocks are available.

const feeHistory = await publicClient.getFeeHistory({
  blockCount: 4, 
  rewardPercentiles: [25, 75]

rewardPercentiles โ€‹

  • Type: number[]

A monotonically increasing list of percentile values to sample from each block's effective priority fees per gas in ascending order, weighted by gas used.

const feeHistory = await publicClient.getFeeHistory({
  blockCount: 4,
  rewardPercentiles: [25, 75] 

blockNumber (optional) โ€‹

  • Type: number

Highest number block of the requested range.

const feeHistory = await publicClient.getFeeHistory({
  blockCount: 4,
  blockNumber: 1551231n, 
  rewardPercentiles: [25, 75]

blockTag (optional) โ€‹

  • Type: 'latest' | 'earliest' | 'pending' | 'safe' | 'finalized'
  • Default: 'latest'

Highest number block of the requested range.

const feeHistory = await publicClient.getFeeHistory({
  blockCount: 4,
  blockTag: 'safe', 
  rewardPercentiles: [25, 75]

JSON-RPC Method โ€‹

Released under the MIT License.